
Installing the Backend and Admin panel on your server

Connect To Server

To run the application, you'll need a VPS with at least 4GB of RAM. For optimal performance, it's recommended to host only Ridy on this server. Once you've purchased your VPS, you can access its terminal using the credentials provided by your hosting provider. These credentials usually include the server's IP address and the root user's password.


Once you've accessed your server's SSH console with the provided credentials, navigate to the root directory using the following command:

cd /root

From there, you can initiate the installation process with the command:

curl -sSL | sh

This command automates the installation of Docker, downloads and installs Ridy, and configures your server. Once complete, you'll receive an admin panel URL (e.g., http://x.x.x.x/admin/) to manage your Ridy instance.


For the first time that you access your admin panel you will be presented with configuration steps for setting up the application. Below are the details of each step:


Purchase Code

API Keys Configuration for Google Maps Services

Ensure your API keys are configured correctly with the following Google Maps services:

  • Directions API (Backend Key)

  • Javascript Maps API (Admin Panel Key)

  • Static Maps API (Admin Panel Key)

  • Places API (Admin Panel & Backend Key)

  • Distance Matrix API (Backend Key)

After purchasing from Codecanyon, check your email for a "Purchase Confirmation" that includes your purchase code. Use this code in the Configuration Wizard to verify your purchase. It's also recommended to provide an email address solely for license inquiries and important updates regarding your license

Ensure that the billing account for the project you retrieved the keys from is enabled. Enabling the billing account is essential for the app to function correctly.

Firebase Admin SDK

To obtain your Firebase project's private key, go to Project Settings and find the Service Accounts section. Click Generate Private Key to download the JSON file. Next, use the upload panel to upload the key

Configuration Step

After uploading the Firebase project private key, wait approximately 30 seconds for the app to complete its configuration. Once finalized, proceed to the login page using the button provided. The default credentials are username: admin and password: admin

Setup SMS Provider

To set up the SMS provider for OTP functionality in our mobile apps, follow these steps:

  1. Run the admin panel.

  2. Navigate to Management -> SMS Providers.

  3. Create a new SMS provider.

  4. Enter the API keys obtained from registering on the provider's website.

Completing these steps is essential for enabling login and phone number verification via OTP.

Last updated