

Driver's income is stored in their multi-currency wallet and records are stored in the transactions table. You can either go to a specific driver from the Drivers menu or open the accounting menu to see all driver's wallet list. This page is useful for automatic payouts. For example, you can filter wallets based on a currency and a specific range of amounts and then export it to CSV using the option provided and use the bank panel to payout all of them at once.

When a payout is done the app should be known to deduct the payments from the wallet. At the moment there is no bulk solution integrated for mass payout input. You can either write a plugin of your own and manipulate the database or do manual Transaction adding through each driver's Financial Records page.


This page shows the record of all commissions the admin had on services done. Upon each service being finished record to commission is added here and the amount is added to the multi-currency wallet of the admin.


You can see all the rider's wallet amounts here if not zero and sort them.


Fleet payouts can be managed just like wallet payouts as discussed.

Last updated