Web Application

Guide for web app configuration

Ridy maintains support for the Rider Application's web version. This is useful for having the same rider application experience that is offered on Android & iOS to web users as well. The benefit here would be greater portability. Clients don't have to install the application from stores. They will go to the address and submit their request with the same UI as Android & iOS users whether it is from their Mobile or Desktop or any device with support for modern web browsers.

Icon & Name Customization

You can find the title of the web page in the index.html file under the meta tag named apple-mobile-web-app-title and the title tag:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Ridy">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icons/Icon-192.png">

<!-- Favicon -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png"/>

<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">

favicon and Mobile icons are also here. Please note the format of the favicon is png. You can replace them with your assets.


Open a terminal in the apps/rider-frontend folder and run the below command:

flutter build web --release

Once the above command succeeds you will have the compiled website for the rider application located in the build/web folder. You can serve this file on your server in any manner you see fit using the web server of your choice.

Please consider the CORS policy to ensure that your web app can successfully connect to the backend. If you have configured the serverUrl in Constants.dart with the IP address of your server, the app should be served from the same server and IP address but on a different port. However, if you wish to assign a domain or run the app with HTTPS, which is typically required for production setups, you will need to set up and configure Nginx. By proxying both the rider app and its backend through the same domain, you can achieve the desired configuration.

Last updated